Slide show

Friday, April 29, 2011

flames that hold

One day soon
I hope to rise up from these flames that hold me down
The cries I have heard
make me wish to live for those that mean the most
For those that care
and I never realized that they knew who I was
True friends
that give and ask nothing in return
It amazes me
the number people who care I did even know they were there
The simple things in life
that are import yet have gone on unnoticed
The sunrise,
colours of fall, and steam on the water in the early morn
The sound of laughter
and tear drops that crawl down a cheek
Peoples feeling
and the hunger on the street
It amazes me
the disregard some people have for others
Dishonest people
all about even those that welcomed you into their homes
Those that once laughed
with you and now stab you in the back

Sounds of words
Caring people helping hands

Rise from the flame


Anonymous said...

Risen and burnt*

Anonymous said...

Burnt once to many times...maybe